by Abimbola Salu | Jun 10, 2014 | Blog, Daily Word

Beloved, we are still looking at Psalm 89 and today, let us pause as we worship God in the beauty of his holiness.
You will recall that yesterday, Ethan the Ezrahite talked about the greatness of God, as he mentioned the two tallest mountains in the land of Canaan. These hills are Tabor and Harmon.
If you have ever visited a mountainous region and you see those tall mountains and hills, you will no doubt lift your hands and praise the God of wonders.
Today, we pause to sing a hymn of praise to God for his creation, especially for those mountains and hills. Enjoy it!
The God that created the ancient hills
Unto you oh Lord I give you my praise
Who deserves all my praise, than my Heavenly Father
Who deserves all my praise, but you Lord ?
The God that created the ancient hills
Unto you, oh Lord I give all my praise
*Image Source: Flickr
by Abimbola Salu | Jun 9, 2014 | Blog, Daily Word |

Beloved, we welcome you back!
We hope you are enjoying this unseasonable weather. It’s only the God that we serve that can give us 68 degrees Fahrenheit in June! Usually, by this time we are already in triple digits of heat.
Thank you, Baba! We love it!
We continue today with Psalm 89 v. 10-18:
You rule the raging of the sea;
When its waves rise, You still them.
10 You have broken Rahab in pieces, as one who is slain;
You have scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm.
11 The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;
The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.
12 The north and the south, You have created them;
Tabor and Hermon rejoice in Your name.
13 You have a mighty arm;
Strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand.
14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne;
Mercy and truth go before Your face.
15 Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.
16 In Your name they rejoice all day long,
And in Your righteousness they are exalted.
17 For You are the glory of their strength,
And in Your favor our horn is exalted.
18 For our shield belongs to the Lord,
And our king to the Holy One of Israel.
Beloved, Ethan the Ezrahite takes a look at the various things God created that glorify God, and over whom he exercises dominion and majesty. First, he mentions the raging sea. Remember, Jesus also exercised dominion and control over the raging winds and waves. One simple word: “Peace be still!” and the winds quieted down!
What a mighty God we serve!
This reminds us of the conversation Job had with God, when he declared that God was unjust to him, and God responded to Job’s accusations. God questioned Job about creation, and this is what God said in Book of Job 38 v. 4-15:
Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations?
Tell me if you know.
5 Who set its measurements? Surely you know.
Who stretched a measuring tape on it?
6 On what were its footings sunk;
who laid its cornerstone,
7 while the morning stars sang in unison
and all the divine beings shouted?
8 Who enclosed the Sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment,
the dense clouds its wrap,
10 when I imposed my limit for it,
put on a bar and doors
11 and said, “You may come this far, no farther;
here your proud waves stop”?
12 In your lifetime have you commanded the morning,
informed the dawn of its place
13 so it would take hold of earth by its edges
and shake the wicked out of it?
14 Do you turn it over like clay for a seal,
so it stands out like a colorful garment?
15 Light is withheld from the wicked,
the uplifted arm broken.
Next, Ethan considered the heavens and the earth, and especially the world, and the fullness thereof. This kind of reminds us of Psalm 24 which opens with these words:
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it,
the world and its inhabitants too.”
Beloved, the list continues with the North and the South, and to that we can also include the East and the West. Tabor and Harmon are the highest hills in Canaan. So, Ethan is also saying that God has dominion over the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. God is able to do anything! He can save and he can destroy!
Finally, Ethan talks about the justice of God. Beloved, God is a just God. He will not do anything that is unjust or unwise. Even the very foundation of his throne where he sits, day and night is built on righteousness and justice. Sometimes, when unjust situations arise, we tend to think that God is using it to punish us, but that is not so. God will actually arrange that unfair situation to favor us! He is busy working behind the scenes to get us what he has for us. He is a just God!
*Image Source: Flickr
by Abimbola Salu | Apr 16, 2014 | Blog, Daily Word

Beloved, today is Holy Wednesday and as we celebrate Passion Week 2014, let us look at more things that Jesus did on earth before he died.Interestingly one of the things Jesus discussed was the paying of taxes. Yesterday was Tax Day in the USA, and we are glad to let you know that Jesus supports paying of taxes! Ouch!Without much ado , let us read from Luke 20 and 21. They are fairly long chapters, and as you read them, may God bless you mightily. Amen!
by Abimbola Salu | Feb 5, 2014 | Blog, Daily Word
Beloved, today’s poster from “Pinterest” is an interesting one. It says:
One of our favorite websites is that of “National Geographic”. If you want to see the most amazing pictures from nature and locations so far –flung that few people have visited, then we urge you to go to the Nat Geo website. What never fail to amaze us are the efforts that people put in to capture these images on film. They must have climbed the highest mountain, gone to the lowest depths of the earth to behold these wonderful sights. What of the pictures of wild and dangerous animal that we can enjoy in the comfort of our living room with just the click of a mouse? Someone traveled a long and difficult road to bring us that rare, wonderful and majestic picture we see.Beloved, in life we shall face trials. Jesus did not promise us a trouble free life. He said in John 16 v. 13:
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”Listen, beloved! What Jesus is saying is this:There is no crown without a cross.
There is no crown without a thorn.
There is no testimony without a test.
There is no triumph without a trial.The assurance that we have through it all is that no matter the test, we are more than conquerors and overcomers through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us!
“Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.”- Psalm 30 v. 5.
No matter what you are faced with, remember that God can never fail. If he had failed before in the past, you wouldn’t even be where you are right now. That difficult situation that you are facing is God’s way of preparing you for greater blessings, so that when you receive your blessing, you can cherish it.
Yes, the road may be difficult, but you are not walking alone. The prize God has for you is a great prize. The greater the blessing, the greater the test. You have the Creator of the Universe walking with you every step of the way. Even when you think you don’t have the strength to go, he carries you in his mighty arms!
Be encouraged!
God loves you!
Please send your comments or questions to us via our Contact us page.
Stay Blessed,
Abi Salu
P.S. Please pass it on
Thank you
2014: Our Year of Divine Vindication
Isaiah 66 v. 5-17 and Psalm 35 v. 23-28.
by Abimbola Salu | Feb 3, 2014 | Blog, Daily Word |

Let us, with a gladsome mind,
Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
Let us blaze His Name abroad,
For of gods He is the God.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
He with all commanding might
Filled the new made world with light.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
He the golden tressèd sun
Caused all day his course to run.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
Th’horned moon to shine by night;
’Mid her spangled sisters bright.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
All things living He doth feed,
His full hand supplies their need.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
Let us, with a gladsome mind,
Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
For His mercies aye endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
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